Sometimes when a cow is calving bad things happen. A few days ago a cow was giving birth but was having lots of trouble. The calf was HUGE and coming out backwards. This is not good! In most cases, this is when the human steps in and helps by pulling the calf. It needs to be a quick process because the cows sack has broken and the calf can't breathe. In this case they were unable to get the calf out in time so it passed away. It's gone to the land of green grass and no predators.
Now what happens to the cow if her baby dies? There are two options, sell the cow because no one really wants to feed a cow that doesn't produce any profit for another year. Or they can adopt another calf onto said cow. Adoption only happens if 1. there are twins 2. the cow dies leaving an orphan calf 3. the cow doesn't accept it's baby. Luckily twins were born this past weekend and they are real cuties. Here's a picture of Bud and Rhoda.
~It costs nothing! All free!
~You must remove the hide from the dead calf
~Then you create what we call a "jacket" and tie it onto the selected calf
~Because of the scent from the jacket, the cow should believe this is her baby
I must admit, calves with jackets are super cute. It's gross thinking about it but yet it's a good way to keep a cow. So Bud is now sporting a jacket and so far so good. However, I had to change Bud's name to Michael. Check out this picture and think about why I changed his name.
*Side note: sorry his jacket is nasty...the hair is falling off. Lane just said "Michael's designer jacket is showing a little wear." HA!
Ohhh Michael! How much longer does he have to wear his jacket? LOL about the black/white thing!