Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am willing to admit that I have my blonde moments. I don't understand what is going on and have a very confused look on my face. During these times, I have to be told the same thing over and over until the light finally goes off in my head. Ding, ding, ding! I had one of those empty headed times arise the other day. To my defense, I wasn't the only one confused. My friends and I decided to take a nice Sunday afternoon and hit the theater. There are so many good reviews that we chose to see The Black Swan hoping that it would live up to our expectations. Now, I won't give away the movie but with the first scene I was already confused. For one, the cinematography was off. It felt like you were walking with the character causing a slight amount of motion sickness to come over me. At various points during the movies, I was dumbfounded and just looked over at my friend and say how weird this movie is. Have you seen Fight Club? Well, to this day, I don't understand that movie. The Black Swan has moved into the same category as Fight Club. I'm just so confused! When the movie ended we all looked at each other like "what the?" then started laughing. It seems like everyone else in the theater understood the Golden Globe nominated film except us. When I was driving home I was trying to describe the movie to my mom and kept saying how I felt as if I was drugged. I shouldn't have been driving because I was so wigged out. I am still trying to process the film but I just can't understand it. Has anyone else seen it? My suggestion, wait until it's out on DVD because it wasn't worth the $7.00 I paid.

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