Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I pride myself on something that comes in handy quite often…providing names for animals, vehicles, guns and other random items that may or may not require a name to function. Not really to function but it’s more fun to refer to them by their name. For example Clark is my car who is named after Clark Kent. It fits him to a T because he really is my superman. I've had him for four years and he's 250,000 miles years old and still rockin'!Clark also has the ability to transfer into stealth mode whenever I feel ashamed that he is a wagon. When I first met Shayne, Transformers had just come out and because he drives a GIANT pick-up truck, it was only appropriate to name it Optimus Prime. We call it Opto for short and it works out perfectly because that pick-up transforms when you least expect it. I think it’s great when people have animals that are given human names. I now want a dog named Kevin because of the movie “The Proposal.” Hysterical! Both my cats are named after characters from the TV show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” Now that it’s my third favorite season of the year, I get to really use my naming skills. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s CALVING SEASON! Now, there are some downfalls to this time of year and that is why it’s my third favorite season. Already this year, I haven’t been able to keep up with my naming because those cows are popping out babies left and right. I was all caught up until yesterday when there were 7 calves born! I need to make sure I see them and their mother before I assign them names. I also have to write them down because heaven forbid I forget their precious names. So far this year, I have given out the following names:
Omega (because it was the last baby of 2010)
Alpha (first baby of 2011)
Frosty (we found him about an hour after he was born and he was all frosty, poor bull lost his ears)
Dale Jr. Jr. (the mother’s number is 88)
Snow White or Casper (I haven’t heard the final verdict on the sex of the calf)
Picky Peter or Picky Paula (Same issue with the sex of the calf but it had to be brought back into the barn because it wouldn’t nurse outside)
I can’t promise you I’ll come up with names for all 270ish calves that are expected to be born but the names will continue to come as I see these cute little baby cows.
If you’re ever in need of a name for anything, please look me up!

1 comment:

  1. Friend I have total faith that you will in fact dutifully name all of those calves!! Just keep the faith! Ha ha ha
