Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Confessions Halloween Addition

 Hi Friends! Happy Halloween!! Today I decided to do a lighter confessions post and try to stick to the Halloween/Spooky theme.


....that I am sad I can't find my bat headband my mother gave me. It's simply amazing.
...that I L-O-V-E handing out candy because the little costumes are super cute!
...that Lane and I have eaten one GIANT bag of candy already. 
...that my two favorite Halloween costumes were being a Girl Scout and Beth from Dog the Bounty Hunter.
...that being a hobo was one simple yet creative costumes that my mother came up with. That and the ladybug. family was huge into recycling Halloween costumes between us kids.
...that I still feel bad my poor father had to pull us in the sled because there was usually snow on the ground. WAY to GO HE-MAN! 
...that I am totally okay with giving my kids pillow cases as their candy bags. 
...I can't wait to dress up my children in crazy costumes until they realize they have a choice.
...that I'm wearing Halloween themed socks with capris. No fashion statement here today.
...that I'm bummed we didn't carve pumpkins this year. 
...that I attempted to wear orange and black eyeshadow this year. Again with the fashion statement. Nope!
...that I fully support adults who dress up for Halloween.
...that I hate scary movies. 
...this I want a caramel apple. Maybe I'll make some tonight.
...that I enjoyed trick-or-treating with my family because we were the only kids on the block so we got a lot of candy.

I think that's all for now. I hope you all have a safe yet very fun Halloween!

Happy Wednesday!           

1 comment:

  1. I have on Halloween socks today too! But I'm not wearing capris :) And way to go dad for pulling kids in the sled!
