Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bovine Waste Relocation Service

Hi Friends,

Fall is here and there are a lot of things that need to be done around the farm before the snow starts falling. One of the most important things is bovine waste relocating aka hauling manure. This is very important because the cows are usually at the farm for roughly nine months. When the animals defecates multiple times a day for nine months in a corral, things start to pile up quickly. After the cows are all gone and Lane has finished with harvest he starts to make GIANT piles of poo in order to start his relocation service. Let me go through the steps with you:

1. Make multiple piles of steaming poo

2. Don proper foot attire prior to going to the farm

3. Prep the ever-so-fancy loader for some super scooping

4. Have your good-looking boyfriend (Lane Frost) jump into the loader and get that poo-spreading truck loaded properly.
5. Plug your nose and continue to take multiple pictures of the loading process.

6. Once loaded, stare in awe of how good this poo truck looks full! Don't mind the overflow.
7. Start the slow drive to the corn field to start the spreading process. Once in the field, use this unit to control how fast the beaters go to "toss" the poo on the field.   
8. Watch out the window as the poo coats the field and try not to be thrown out the window when you hit the pivot track.
 9. Make Lane stop AGAIN to take more pictures.

 10. Get excited when you find corn left in the field.

11. Finish spreading the load then head back for another round.

12. Shoot....stop one more time on the way back to feed the corn to these grumpy bulls! (sorry the picture is blurry, he was so excited he wouldn't stand still. He's even drooling)

13. Slow production down once more to take enough pictures to last a lifetime. 

14. Lastly: Tell Lane you love him and thanks for letting you spend some QT with him at the farm.

That's all! Have a good Thursday!


  1. I love that second to last picture! Beautiful! You're such a good farmer/rancher :)

  2. i would probably get excited if i found corn leftover too =) thanks for sharing!

  3. You are so cute! Good boyfriend you have to keep stopping for photo ops!
