Monday, June 28, 2010

When I get that feeling....

You know that feeling? That one you get deep in your stomach when you can't decide if you're making the right choice or not? How about the feeling of nervousness? You remember those? Now put them together and what do you get? My registration for my first half marathon! Yep, I've officially sent out the form and money to be a participant in the 2010 Top of Utah Half Marathon. I feel sick already. This is a huge goal of mine because I've never been a runner and I would feel accomplished if I completed this race. It's not until August 28 so I have a while to practice up and I need to stop the excuses on why I haven't been running. Tomorrow is a five mile run and with this heat, I may be waiting until 9pm to start and that puts my finish time way past my bed time. Who knew I'd compromise sleep for running? Let the training begin! I'm going to go throw up now.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA friend, you crack me up! I'm so proud of you for registering! I have to admit...can't say that I'd give up sleep for running...more props to you!
