Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Confessions Halloween Addition

 Hi Friends! Happy Halloween!! Today I decided to do a lighter confessions post and try to stick to the Halloween/Spooky theme.


....that I am sad I can't find my bat headband my mother gave me. It's simply amazing.
...that I L-O-V-E handing out candy because the little costumes are super cute!
...that Lane and I have eaten one GIANT bag of candy already. 
...that my two favorite Halloween costumes were being a Girl Scout and Beth from Dog the Bounty Hunter.
...that being a hobo was one simple yet creative costumes that my mother came up with. That and the ladybug. family was huge into recycling Halloween costumes between us kids.
...that I still feel bad my poor father had to pull us in the sled because there was usually snow on the ground. WAY to GO HE-MAN! 
...that I am totally okay with giving my kids pillow cases as their candy bags. 
...I can't wait to dress up my children in crazy costumes until they realize they have a choice.
...that I'm wearing Halloween themed socks with capris. No fashion statement here today.
...that I'm bummed we didn't carve pumpkins this year. 
...that I attempted to wear orange and black eyeshadow this year. Again with the fashion statement. Nope!
...that I fully support adults who dress up for Halloween.
...that I hate scary movies. 
...this I want a caramel apple. Maybe I'll make some tonight.
...that I enjoyed trick-or-treating with my family because we were the only kids on the block so we got a lot of candy.

I think that's all for now. I hope you all have a safe yet very fun Halloween!

Happy Wednesday!           

Monday, October 29, 2012

Just another manic Monday

Hi Friends,

My alarm goes off at 6:00am giving me time to hit snooze until 6:30. This morning I swear I only hit snooze 3 times and the forth time my alarm wasn't shutting off. Then I realized it was Lane's alarm. Fantastic! He set his for 6:30! I then glanced at my phone and it was 7:10! Mind you, I leave my house at 7:30....that doesn't give me time to do anything but it was necessary for me to shower. (and make coffee, and feed the cats, and blow dry my hair) So this is how it went:
7:11 in the shower
7:20 out of the shower
7:22 running into the kitchen scantily clad
7:22:30 scoop the cat foot into their bowls
7:22:40 starting coffee
7:25 dressed like a fool
7:27 freak out because it's almost time to go and I don't have my hair done or my makeup on
7:27:03 blow dry hair while putting lotion
7:32 slam blow dryer down sprint to Lane saying "I love you but I'm really late"
7:33 grab makeup, straightener, and gym bag
7:33:50 grab whatever I could find in the fridge for lunch and my MUCH NEEDED coffee
7:35 say bye to the kittens and rush out the door
7:36 almost run over the neighbor kids because they were in my blind spot
7:40 think "oh my gosh, I just got 80% ready in 20 minutes!)

Then I arrived at work, plugged in my straightener and finished getting ready.

And that's how I started my day...

Hopefully you don't have a Manic Monday.

*SIDE NOTE: I'm sending positive vibes to those in the East. I hope Sandy doesn't cause as much damage as they expect.*

Friday, October 26, 2012

Flipping good Friday

Good morning Friends. Let's get right to this. Link up with these gals (Prairie Princess and Princess of the Panhandle) and lets do some flipping!

FLIP OFF leeches. Find someone else who wants you to cling to them. my pesky tire. I know it has a nail in it but I am too busy to get it fixed right now. Just keep holding that air. laziness. my face that is breaking out. (That would be from the Halloween candy that Lane opened and I had a hard time saying no to eating it) gas prices! Come on people! Sandy. Why don't you twirl your way away from the East Coast?

FLIP ON getting my hair done tonight. girls night tonight. getting our first snow. Mind you it's all gone but there are rumors it snowed 14 inches in the mountains. WOOP! WOOP! awesome friends that cheer me up. starting my Christmas shopping early. having a min-vacay this week. shooting guns tomorrow for SAR. still being in the race for owning "the silver bullet" my Lane Frost who basically rocks my world. my crafty skills for the guest bedroom. I'm soooo excited to show you all the finished product.

That's all folks! Have a great Friday!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Flip

Hi Friends!
It's finally Friday. Please link up with Prairie Princess and Princess of the Panhandle to partake in this weekly event of flipping of the bad and flipping on the good.

FLIP OFF: my crappy mood this week. chocolate cake. laziness. my lack of patience. my inability to get up on time. not running enough for my half marathon in three week. Oops!

FLIP ON: "my babies" being home. AKA the cows are back from the mountains. spending time with my girl friends last weekend and this weekend. possibly painting the guest room. (I really want to get this done but the babies need to be vaccinated) my trainer who likes me no matter what happened with my diet. the flavor Pumpkin Spice. It's in beer now! Even better! finishing ANOTHER book. Wild Montana Sky it's a good read. Lane Frost who is always laughing at me saying I'm silly.

That's all folks. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bovine Waste Relocation Service

Hi Friends,

Fall is here and there are a lot of things that need to be done around the farm before the snow starts falling. One of the most important things is bovine waste relocating aka hauling manure. This is very important because the cows are usually at the farm for roughly nine months. When the animals defecates multiple times a day for nine months in a corral, things start to pile up quickly. After the cows are all gone and Lane has finished with harvest he starts to make GIANT piles of poo in order to start his relocation service. Let me go through the steps with you:

1. Make multiple piles of steaming poo

2. Don proper foot attire prior to going to the farm

3. Prep the ever-so-fancy loader for some super scooping

4. Have your good-looking boyfriend (Lane Frost) jump into the loader and get that poo-spreading truck loaded properly.
5. Plug your nose and continue to take multiple pictures of the loading process.

6. Once loaded, stare in awe of how good this poo truck looks full! Don't mind the overflow.
7. Start the slow drive to the corn field to start the spreading process. Once in the field, use this unit to control how fast the beaters go to "toss" the poo on the field.   
8. Watch out the window as the poo coats the field and try not to be thrown out the window when you hit the pivot track.
 9. Make Lane stop AGAIN to take more pictures.

 10. Get excited when you find corn left in the field.

11. Finish spreading the load then head back for another round.

12. Shoot....stop one more time on the way back to feed the corn to these grumpy bulls! (sorry the picture is blurry, he was so excited he wouldn't stand still. He's even drooling)

13. Slow production down once more to take enough pictures to last a lifetime. 

14. Lastly: Tell Lane you love him and thanks for letting you spend some QT with him at the farm.

That's all! Have a good Thursday!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's time to check in

Well friends,

I received my email from Delta this morning reminding me that once again I'm heading out on another trip. This is going to be my favorite trip of the entire summer for two reasons:
1. It's my last work trip for the year (at least I'm 99.9% sure)
2. I'm heading to the beautiful state of Colorado for one of my dearest friends wedding!

I am sooooo excited for this wedding. A and B are an amazing couple and I am blessed to be apart of their special day. I was sent this picture yesterday from A showing a view from the area where she is getting married. Can we say amazing?

Friday couldn't come fast enough. I get to meet up with a friend in Denver and we're making the drive to Estes Park. I can already tell I'll be crying tears of happiness this weekend. I will take as many pictures as possible because it's not every day this this gal get's all gussied up.

I think that love is wonderful so I hope you all feel loved.

Have a great Tuesday!