Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do you really know me?

Some of you have been following me for a while and some of you have accidentally stumbled across my blog because you typed in some random question in your search engine and it pulled up the time I wrote about cutting off cow testicles. As most of you know, I've been really adventurous this year. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and having a great time doing so. However, I still have secrets. I'm not going to tell you my secrets but I thought I'd share a few more things about myself that you may or may not know.

Did you know....

 *I have multiple tattoos but there is only one that I completely regret. If I could, I'd take that day back in a blink of an eye.
*I slept with a blanket until I was 25. Some nights I really want to pull Blane out of the closet and snuggle. Comfort zone!
*I hate my degree. I feel like it was a waste of 5 years of my life.
*I still get sad about life choices.
*I wish I was rich. I know everyone wishes that but I wish/dream/obsess about it. I honestly feel life would be better if I just had money.
*I hate disappointing my parents. I've made them mad multiple times but nothing cuts deeper than the disappointed look.
*I've been engaged before and it sucked big time having the break up happen but I am so glad we are not married.
*I hate feeling stupid.
*I doubt a lot of things.
*I fear my faith isn't strong enough anymore to get into Heaven.
*I have a BFF and a BGFF. (That's best guy friend forever)
*I absolutely hate going grocery shopping and folding socks.
*I don't feel beautiful.
*My favorite song to end my workout is "Pour Some Sugar on Me."
*My mind seems to function more when I'm trying to sleep than it does the entire day. Thus, I don't sleep well.

That's enough for now. Hopefully you all have seen a little deeper into my soul and how this blond functions daily.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Okay, I knew you had multiple tattoos, but which one do you regret? I am not sure I could figure that one out.
    Don’t feel bad about sleeping with your blanket, Stacy is 34 and still sleeps with hers!
    I hate my educational choices too, I went to school to be a teacher and I am an office “beeotch.”
    Don’t get sad about life choices, you learned from them and they made you who you are. We all have to teach ourselves lessons rather than hear them from someone else sometimes.
    Money can’t buy happiness and you are pretty happy. God gives us our roles out in this world for a reason.
    I don’t think you disappoint your parents much; you are a pretty darn good person and daughter.
    Yeah-I am glad you didn’t marry him or look at what your life might be today. Totally different and I LOVE the person you have become.
    I think we all hate feeling stupid, I do too. I hate not understanding something that seems so simple to someone else. It’s intimidating and a horrible feeling.
    As far as the “I don’t feel beautiful” statement. I want to tell you something. This upsets me when I hear you say this for so many reasons. You are one of the most beautiful people I know, in every way. You worked your way into a very fit body, you always look nice in your clothes, your hair is always super trendy and cute, you pull off any look---that’s just the physical part. INNER PART: you give 110% to the people in your lives. You would give anyone the shirt off your back. In the last 7 years that I have known you, I have seen so many things in your life change (ups and downs) and you have got through them with integrity. I saw a friend as mentioned above, have a wedding broke off with the “then” love of her life. I watched her hurt. I watched her as she picked herself back up again and said “hey, I am not going to let this define my life.” You are the best girlfriend. You love so much. You are AN AMAZING friend, I really don’t know what I would do without you. You are a great sister. You are always there for them and I know a lot about your family because you share your life with them and tell me. I think those bonds you have with your sisters is amazing. You always keep me smiling------your blogs make my day because they are always such a unique perspective on something. You give great advice, you make great cupcakes and iced lattes…..and Thanksgiving dinners. So please tell me again-----how Celeste----do you not feel beautiful???


  2. I may not KNOW you well lately but I know you from childhood. You are beautiful inside and out and I love you! I struggle with many similar things too:(

  3. Friend, I just read this and it broke my heart! YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON! You inspire me, my kids adore you, you are giving,kind, generous, loving, patient, beautiful, smart, and I love you! You really do inspire me to be healthier, more active physically, more patient, and continue my education. You may think that your five years at college were worthless but look at the life lessons learned and experienced. I regret not going to college sometimes. As for your faith...Jesus loves you and if you accept him as your savior thats enough. You are also created in the image of him and so when you talk down on your (good looking) body you are insulting him as well. I know this may be the cheesiest line ever but I truly mean it: "you make me want to be a better person"! Love ya girl!
