Thursday, August 23, 2012

Here's my Friday flip off!

I must say that this week seemed to go fast but at the same time it went a little slow. I visited the great state of Georgia for most of the week. There wasn't any site seeing or discovering of the covited Gerogia Peach, straight work. The good thing is, as you are reading this I'm most likely on the plane home. That's always a plus! Okay, onto the real reason I blog on Friday''s time to do some flipping.

Flip Off time changes. It kills me every time I travel. No sleep then waking up at 4am my time. hotel neighbors who have their tv up really loud. booking a hotel less than a mile from an airport. (there is a reoccurring travel theme this week) humidity! My hair lasted all but one hour today before I had to put it up. nasty coffee. What's the point? leg cramps/Charlie Horses. Someone hasn't been drinking enough water. Oops! ice cream. Yep, ice cream. You're hurting my tummy. misscommunication. being in row 39 tomorrow on my flight.

Flip On working out while on travel. being able to sleep on a plane. the kind man working at the hotel front desk who gave me a free cell phone charger. king sized beds. Even though I still sleep in the same place. love. music. My saving grace when I travel. raking in frequent flyer miles. Moving up in my status!

And obviously a huge FLIP ON because it's finally Friday!

I hope you all had a great week.

Happy weekend Friends!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do you really know me?

Some of you have been following me for a while and some of you have accidentally stumbled across my blog because you typed in some random question in your search engine and it pulled up the time I wrote about cutting off cow testicles. As most of you know, I've been really adventurous this year. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and having a great time doing so. However, I still have secrets. I'm not going to tell you my secrets but I thought I'd share a few more things about myself that you may or may not know.

Did you know....

 *I have multiple tattoos but there is only one that I completely regret. If I could, I'd take that day back in a blink of an eye.
*I slept with a blanket until I was 25. Some nights I really want to pull Blane out of the closet and snuggle. Comfort zone!
*I hate my degree. I feel like it was a waste of 5 years of my life.
*I still get sad about life choices.
*I wish I was rich. I know everyone wishes that but I wish/dream/obsess about it. I honestly feel life would be better if I just had money.
*I hate disappointing my parents. I've made them mad multiple times but nothing cuts deeper than the disappointed look.
*I've been engaged before and it sucked big time having the break up happen but I am so glad we are not married.
*I hate feeling stupid.
*I doubt a lot of things.
*I fear my faith isn't strong enough anymore to get into Heaven.
*I have a BFF and a BGFF. (That's best guy friend forever)
*I absolutely hate going grocery shopping and folding socks.
*I don't feel beautiful.
*My favorite song to end my workout is "Pour Some Sugar on Me."
*My mind seems to function more when I'm trying to sleep than it does the entire day. Thus, I don't sleep well.

That's enough for now. Hopefully you all have seen a little deeper into my soul and how this blond functions daily.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Music causes memories

I was mowing the lawn yesterday and listening to some sweet tunes. All of a sudden a song came on and it made me smile because it brought back a flood of fun memories. I find that a lot of my "life moments" can be summed up by songs. As I continued my domestic duties for the day, I listened to multiple songs that reminded me of some really fun times in my life. So, for this Manic Monday, I thought I would share some songs that always bring back a flood of memories.

1. P!nk "So What"
After starting a rowdy night at N's house we hopped in Tina and headed to a classy biker bar here in I.F. We BLASTED this song the entire way there. It was a night to remember because we all made super smart choices.

2. 50 Cent "Magic Stick"
Basically summer of 2003 I spent at the #5 apartment and this was a great theme song.

3. Huey "Pop Lock and Drop It"
My little sister and I sat at my first apartment in I.F. listening to this song on repeat just so I could learn the words.

4. Wilson Pickett "Mustang Sally"
D and I headed up to Bozeman with Lane Frost and her hubby. This was prior to both of us being in love with our men but when we decided to show them the town, we headed to greatest bar where D and I proceeded to get crazy and dance like no one was watching when they played this song.

5. George Strait "Amarillo By Morning"
I danced with a friend who has since passed so this song reminds me of him.

6. OutKast "I Like the Way You Move"
Back in the AOII days, my friend P was having a Rock Star night and was singing this song. I remember it so vividly when she was dancing with her hands. A-MAZ-ING

7. 50 Cent "Just a Lil Bit"
Oh JB (now JS) and I would rap this song together. Haha! Just two white girls getting in touch with our inner hoochy.

8. Ace of Base "I Saw the Sign"
My BFF and I have been friends for 24 years now and we used to sing this song while chewing watermelon bubble gum and riding up the chair lift at Bridger Bowl. We'd close our eyes and open them up really big when it says "I open up my eyes..."

9. Dan Seals "Bop"
Just a song that reminds me of an old old flame. We used to two-step to this song.

10. Mr. Big "To be with You"
I think this song came out when I was in 6th grade. There were the "cool kids" who sat in the back of the bus. They carried their tape decks and would play this song on the ride home. I just wanted to be as cool as them.

There are so many song memories locked away in my head. I only gave you a small amount but when writing this blog I laughed so much just remembering these moments. Do you have any specific songs that make memories come flooding back? If so, let me know what they are. I'm anxious to hear what songs have shaped your lives.

Have a great Monday friends!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Eeek Friday already!

Basically I wonder why I blog because I really stink at it. I'm having such a hard time keeping up with it and it's not a high priority at this time. I will however give you a great Flip On, Flip Off Friday if you'd like?
Like up with me and this great gals and do some flipping of your own.
Flip Off the HUGE and I mean HUGE blisters I have on my heels from hiking this week in the wrong shoes. They hurt bad :( all these crazy wildfires. It makes for nice sunsets but honestly we need them to be put out. summer coming to an end. I love the sun and I really don't want it to snow any time soon. myself for not cooking up my wonderful veggies my garden is producing. Ugh...motivational issues here. not sleeping. our cable box dying and deleting all of our recorded shows. True Blood only having 2 more episodes. WTH people? Don't you know that us TB lovers would like a long season? 

Flip On 3 SAR calls this week. One is a flip off because the man drowned but I learned a lot and faced many fears. my little sister landing her dream job even if she's moving to Texas. my older sister coming to visit me today. Even if she's not really visiting me. being super productive at work. having one amazing job. I mean it rocks the house people! Maybe because I have a fantastic boss.

Anyways, I'm off to Hot-Lanta on Tuesday and hopefully I'll be able to blog on the road. I'm missing sharing my adventures with you all!

Have one heck of a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Love letters!

Hi Friends!
I'm in a great mood because in a mire 3 days I'll be off to NashVegas for a bridal bash weekend. It's going to be fantastic and I'm SO EXCITED! Due to the fact I've been negligent to this blog I thought I'd type out some letters today. Enjoy.

Dear August,
This is a great month! I am loving the fact that harvest is here. It's one of my favorite times of the year because I get to see all the hard work that farmers have put into their crop pay off. Please take time to thank the farmers of the world for the food on your plate. My own Lane Frost is a farmer and I love him for that!
A consumer of food and a lover of agriculture

Dear Fall,
I'm not ready for you so please hold off for a bit longer. I know it brings fantastic things like branding and football but really, I'd like to keep this warm weather for another month or two.
The pale Idahoan

Dear Super Secret Stuff,
Ugh! Not good!

Dear Brother,
Stewart is not a good name. Anything else would be okay, maybe not Richard...
Little Sister

Dear Lane,
I'm STILL waiting..."patiently" I might add.
Your GF of 4 years

Dear Body,
HELLO?! Don't you know I have a bridesmaid dress to wear in a few months? Yeah, that's what I thought, you forgot didn't you? Well it's time to get your butt back in shape.
(with my head hanging low) Me

Dear Legs,
Let's train for this half marathon with the hopes of beating your last time. Also don't give up on me, it's been a while. 
My butt that controls my legs

Dear Readers,
I don't have many but whoever you are, I really appreciate you! Thanks for reading!

Okay, I have a lot of work to accomplish before Nashvegas. I hope you all have a great Tuesday!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Flip Off/On

Hey Friends,

Again, I lacked in posting this week. I was in D.C. until yesterday then was dawg tired! Here I am though ready to do some flipping off and some flipping on.

Flip off: dirty laundry. Sometimes it keeps piling up and won't go away! time zones. They are so hard to adjust and it causes lack of sleep. the a-hole who threw a rock at my windshield when passing me yesterday. Thanks for cracking it fool! my downward spiral of fatness hobo spiders. Just get out of my house. the can of soda that EXPLODED in my car because it was too hot.

Flip on: the Color Run my friend D and I are doing tomorrow. So fun! already receiving my bitchin' card saying I'm an EMT going to NashVegas in 5 days my garden. It is almost harvest time for the beans! the nice weather. I love it! my little niece Ella who rocked her kindergarten interview it being a weekend!

That's all! I hope you all had a great week but have an even better weekend.