Friday, May 6, 2011

Random Fact Friday

Last weekend my friend D and I drove to MT and along that drive we passed many herds of Antelope or Pronghorn, whatever you decide to call them. When I was growing up, I loved sitting in the front seat when we took long trips because Dad told me some amazing facts about random animals along the way. So here we go...Random Fact Friday is about the Antelope!

*They cannot jump fences (they are forced to crawl under)
*They are super fast!
*Both male and female antelope have horns. However, the females do not "prong" and are hard to see.
*Obviously prongHORNs have horns
**Did you know the difference between a horn and an antler?**
*Horns are hollow and made from hair and keratin, the same stuff human nails are made from
*Antlers are not hollow
*Antelope also shed and regrow their horns annually
*Another animal with a horn is the Rino

Okay thanks Mark for teaching me these random facts. I just love being the child who remembers this important information.

Have a great weekend folks and don't forget to tell your mom you love her!!


  1. I always get my antelope, white tail deer, pronghorns and similar animals confused! I think I need flashcards to refer to while driving. Hey... that'd be a fun idea for a kid's book!

  2. Friend, I live with hundreds of these animals around me, and can honestly say, I didn't know they could not jump fences! I'll have to pay better attention next time!
