Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This blog is short and sweet but it is about my little sister, Aliyah. That's really not her name but for some reason my older sister and I call her that. I think we made it her fake middle name. (None of us have middle names, so we just made them up. I'm not telling you's embarrassing.) So, Aliyah is rocking out a new philosophy for life and you should all check out her blog because she's amazing and could use some added support. One of her goals was to give up sweets for a week and she was successful. The success has kept going and she is now on week two with no sugar. That's crazy if you ask me. She challenged people to try giving up sweets for a week. I said I would but it needed to wait until after my birthday. After all, I NEEDED to have a VAST amount of sugar the ENTIRE week. I held up my end of the deal and stopped eating sugar on Monday. I honestly had withdraws by Monday afternoon causing me to be a little loopy. That is a sign that I consume way too much sugar. Today is day three and it's not getting any easier but I must say I am proud that I have not given into the cravings. As the week progresses, I'm hoping my desire subsides and I can try two weeks without sugar. My challenge, you should try it too.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Crossing the line

Recently I have been struggling with my motivation to workout. I can blame the weather for most part because I don't want to run in the wind and I defiantly don't want to run in the rain. I have a gym membership and my gym (like every gym) has treadmills. I am still trying to find someone who really enjoys running distances on one of those boring things. What is so amazing about looking at the people around you sweat-it-up while gliding easily at 7 mph? There I am huffing and puffing trying to maintain my pace of 6.2 mph. Even now, the thought of running 5 miles inside makes me sick. The easy solution has been to not run. Just get in my car, drive home, sit on my butt and beat myself up that I can't get the run over with. I like the idea of running but I have more motivation when I have a running partner. I had been running with my friend D but our schedules have been different which doesn't allow us to run together. My ultimate goal this summer has been to run two races. One was a half marathon and the other was a relay. This past Saturday was my half marathon. I knew I wasn't quite ready because it had been 3 weeks since I had done a long run and it was only 10 miles. I was reassured by many that adding 3 miles was going to be okay. After driving the course, it became apparent that the "beginners course" was not friendly to the first time half marathon runners. There were hills, dirt roads and rollers to conquer. I was prepared for them and was lucky to have the encouragement from my father the entire time. About mile 8 I started to struggle, I had to walk and rehydrate. My feet were hurting but I attributed that to they dirt road we were on at that time. I told my dad at mile 11 there should be oranges, I'll eat one and then we can bust out the last two miles. When we reached mile 11 I noticed something was off. The course map did not take us this way. We were running away from the finish line. My body was shutting down and I had no idea what to do about it. We reach the next turn and it said mile 11? I looked at my phone that was tracking our miles and it said we had really gone 12 miles. I was so distraught. I couldn't fathom running an additional 2 miles when all I was expecting was 1 more mile. When we reached the next aid station I gulped down some aspirin and attempted to press on. The ladies at that station calmly said "they messed up on the course so this is really mile 13, congrats!" What? As we passed that station it seemed everyone in front of us started to walk. They knew it wasn't over but were exhausted as well. I was on the verge of tears and my dad was frustrated as well. We pressed on but I honestly could not run. My left leg was killing me so we walked. I was so frustrated because we were on track at mile 13 with the pace I wanted to keep. When it was almost time to cross the finish line I hobbled along and finished. Everyone gave me praise that I crossed and completed the race. This is when I feel like I failed. I trained and trained for this race and felt unsuccessful. I was not ready to run 15 miles nor did I want to. I wanted to enjoy my race but I did not. Two days later, I still feel uneasy about the entire situation. I have no joy that I completed a half marathon and change. It killed my spirit for running. My second race is in 3 weeks and it is just a fun relay with 5 other women. However, my enthusiasm has faded for the weekend festivities because I worry it will end up like this past weekend. I need to pull myself off the ground, clean the dirt of my shoes and try this again. This is easier said then done because I'm still searching for my motivation. Maybe I'm not a runner.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vitamin D

I don't think it comes as a surprise that our spring hasn't been the best. After all, I do bitch a lot about snow, rain, wind, etc. It almost seems unreal that the sun is shining right now. Most people around here a not getting their hopes up that the sun will continue beam down from the sky providing us with some much needed vitamin D. Despite the fact today is my birthday, the sun has truly brightened my mood. I went for a quick jog at lunch and it was amazing to have a light breeze and no jacket on. I have been desperate for some nice weather and today was a perfect day for the sun to come out. As the weekend approaches, so does my first half marathon. (Did I tell you I'm running my first 1/2 Marathon?) Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this weather will hold up. I would love to run 13.1 miles in the sun with a light breeze, maybe getting a little vitamin d too. So, will you please keep your fingers crossed that this wonderful weather will hold up?


I love taking pictures at the farm. Most of the time, I forget my camera so I just have phone. I'm grateful for this amazing app called "Instagram" that allows you to adjust the outlook of the picture. So, here's some pictures I've been taking while helping at the farm.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life and Death

It's been a tough spring at the farm. There were 200 calves born and it seemed to take For-ev-er before Shayne could be done with the night shift. However, I love calving season because those little stinkers are so cute when they are born and don't really understand why they heck they went from a warm belly to the freezing cold ground. Every year I just want one of the cute little buggers to be my friend. I have my favorite cows who I know by their faces and so they are the ones who's babies I'd love to befriend. This year there have been a lot of sick babies and unfortunately there were some that didn't make it. The first one that died was Carl(the grey one.) Isn't he cute?
The problem I have is when a cow loses her calf, then she has to go to the sale. One exception would be if there is an orphaned calf or one that another cow won't accept. Then they will adopt the calf to the cow. That's a little crazy process of skinning the dead calf and creating a "blanket" for the new calf to wear until the cow fully accepts her new baby. After Carl died, his mother Molly had to go to the sale. There wasn't any calf for her to take over. I was so sad because Molly was unique in her own way.
Then Charlie and Bambie were born (twins of course)and they too are super cute. (See picture)

All of a sudden, Charlie died! Goodness...that's another one of my babies that died. So Bambie got to stay in the barn with the orphan (who I eventually named Annie) because Bambie's mom would let them both drink. Annie and Bambie were soon joined by my ALL-TIME FAVORITE calf name Gus. Gus had a rough 24 hours after birth. His poor ears were frozen and then his dumb mother stepped on him and broke his leg.
What a trooper though, he was given a cast and learned how to hobble around with Bambie and Annie. Sometimes he'd get a little crazy and try to run and jump but that never ended well. Gus was getting so big he had to get another cast. I just thought it would be funny to go and sign his cast. Even my dad said to sign it for him. "Get along little buddy. -Uncle Mark" (My dad rocks!) Anyways, I never got around to signing any of Gus' casts but I did check in with him every day via Shayne. Progress reports you know. The little guy just wanted to get out of the barn and go play with all the other calves. The big day came and Shayne was so excited to tell me Gus was going to get his cast off. My heart jumped for joy because Gus was finally going to be able to play with all the other calves. When I talked to Shayne later that day he told me some disheartening news, Gus had to be put down. Due to his leg not being able to heal and grow properly, the leg actually died and had started to rot. I understand the importance of putting him down because the leg could not be saved. However, I got emotional because my motherly instinct kicked in and poor Gus was unable to say goodbye to his mother or his friends. It probably seems crazy to some of you that I was so upset when Gus died but to me, every animal should have a chance at life.
I have a new favorite calf...I'm sure hoping she'll want to be my friend. Her name is Helen! Poor Helen was born blind and I was sad to hear they might put her down. However, being the kind soul that he is, Shayne's boss is trying to make the best of the situation. He went and bought a halter and a bell for Helens mom, Marilyn. It's so cute to hear the cow bell and know that Marilyn is out having her snack then back in the barn with Helen. I guess the cow bell is working out but there is still talk of what's going to happen when Helen needs to experience "life outside." For now, I like to go spend time with Helen and try to get her tame enough to take her outside. She's such a doll. Here is a picture of Helen and of Marilyn.

It's hard to see the calves die but I guess it's the circle of life. I forget the bigger issue here, when the calves die, the farm loses money. If I take that into consideration, maybe I won't bitch as much when a cow gets sold. They have to make the money back somehow so the solution is to bring your beef to the table!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Random Fact Friday

Last weekend my friend D and I drove to MT and along that drive we passed many herds of Antelope or Pronghorn, whatever you decide to call them. When I was growing up, I loved sitting in the front seat when we took long trips because Dad told me some amazing facts about random animals along the way. So here we go...Random Fact Friday is about the Antelope!

*They cannot jump fences (they are forced to crawl under)
*They are super fast!
*Both male and female antelope have horns. However, the females do not "prong" and are hard to see.
*Obviously prongHORNs have horns
**Did you know the difference between a horn and an antler?**
*Horns are hollow and made from hair and keratin, the same stuff human nails are made from
*Antlers are not hollow
*Antelope also shed and regrow their horns annually
*Another animal with a horn is the Rino

Okay thanks Mark for teaching me these random facts. I just love being the child who remembers this important information.

Have a great weekend folks and don't forget to tell your mom you love her!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Let's celebrate

Guess what? It's nice out fact it's 56 degrees outside!! Here's a celebration video to make you dance!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When the man has control

It's Wednesday night. Do you know what that means? Extreme Couponing is on TLC!! Here's the problem. I got home tonight and roommate was playing the Wii. That's great because it doesn't get used enough and I had plenty of time to cook dinner, clean the cat box, take out the trash and do the dishes. Here's my issue, I don't find anything exciting about watching someone trying to beat some Disney monster over and over. I'm finished with my dinner and spent some quality time with the cats then out come the golden words "I beat him!" Finally it's time to watch TLC. WRONG! Shayne took control of the remote. Let me just give all of my gal-pals out there some advice, no man will willingly watch TLC unless it involves sports, boobs, trucks, and testosterone. Right now, we're watching Myth Busters....they are trying to make machine guns out of wine. It's super exciting! Here's a good story, the other night Shayne came walking in the door asking if there was any logging shows on. There wasn't but Swamp People was on...that was my Thursday. When you love someone, does that mean you have to love American Trucker too?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I do NOT live in Kansas

I am very frustrated with Mother Nature right now. I don't know what her problem is? I think she is PMSing but gosh, it's been over a week. Seriously, there is an issue here in Idaho that is causing me to want to pull my hair out. The issue is W-I-N-D!!! This isn't your typical breeze that helps you stay cool on a nice summer day. This is 50 mph wind gusts that blow dust in your eyes, fling deadly pine cones at your head, make your car swerve and overall makes it miserable to be outside. In the last month, we have had one day with no wind and I took full advantage of it. I went for a nice 10 mile run and even got sun burned! It brightened my mood three-fold. Don't worry the wind came back the next day and even more powerful. Sigh! I would like to run outside and I see the diehards running by my office everyday but I'm not a diehard. I wimp out when I know I'll be fighting the wind if I run outside. I think it just angers me that my pace slows down when the wind blows. Last night I decided to change my mood and try running in the wind. It was okay but I kept my head down most of the time but pushing onward with my legs. I keep thinking in one week from Saturday when I run my race, I bet it'll be windy! Ugh!

Want to know the best part? It's not windy today! Well, not yet.