Monday, November 14, 2011

It's time to write some letters!

I'm feeling inspired today to get some serious blogging done. So please join me because it's that time again: LETTER TIME!

Dear Old Man Winter,
I'm not ready for you and your bad self. In fact, if you could just pass by without leaving your mark, I'd love that. Take this into consideration, we had snow until May and it didn't get warm until July. Get it? Thanks!
From (because there is NO love for you),

Dear Wind,
I hate you more than Old Man Winter. Go AWAY! Enough of this BS I want to walk outside without my eyes watering and my hair flying all over.

Dear Pounds,
Stop creeping up on me. This is not okay! I want to eat that ice cream without gaining 4 pounds. Can you please let this happen? I don't like realizing that I will always battle my eating habits because you enjoy sticking around too long. Just go away.

Dear Gym,
Why is it that I like you but hate you at the same time? I love walking away knowing you kicked my butt yet again but for some reason I still struggle going to visit you. Maybe if we worked something out we could become best friends. Try to work out a deal with the Pounds and that will be a good start.
Love ya,
Sweat girl

Dear Search and Rescue,
Thanks for being so fun and allowing me to learn lots of cool tricks. I look forward to the time we will share. Thanks for the two code red call out that I've raced to respond to and then having them canceled. That's a good thing, that means the lost person was found. Also, thanks for the new friends that I'm making.
Always ready to respond,

Dear New House,
I love you!

Dear Lane Frost,
Thanks for the XM radio for Clark. We both love you and the new tunes.
P.S. My biological clock is still ticking!

Dear 2011,
Why did you go by so quickly? Next year I'm going to be 28 and that means, only 2 years until 30! Goodness, I'm not ready for 2012! I know I can't fight time so let's make 2012 one of the best years of my life. That has to involve some bling though, better talk to Lane about that.

Dear Readers,
Thanks for sticking with me even though I'm an unfaithful blogger. As always, I will try to better my posts and keep you all up-to-date with my exciting life. Keep reading I promise it'll get more interesting!

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