Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 16

This picture is supposed to be of someone that inspires you.

I've had a rough spring due to the weather and having some gym issues. It's been hard trying to find motivation to go to the gym and stick with eating healthy. It's been a few days sense I've posted and that's because I'm trying to thing of someone that inspires me. I don't have just one person so there will be no pictures in this post.

Eloise: she is a woman I met in my boot camp. Throughout the months we've known each other, she has constantly encouraged me to keep pressing forward. She doesn't judge if I have a cupcake. We'll just make it up tomorrow. I'm encouraged by they way she keeps a smile on her face even if our workout is killing us.

Foxy Coxy: My BFF! How can I not be inspired by her? She has a great head on her shoulders and has always followed her dreams. Her ability to travel to far away places is amazing. I don't think I have the courage she does. She is fearless and compassionate at the same time.

Maw and Paw: I'm inspired by their love for each other. What a great example of marriage and the constant reminder that love conquers all hill that a relationship encounters.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading all of these things! And also thanks for being the one person who consistently comments on my blog :)
