Monday, August 23, 2010

The Warning: Plantar Fasciitis

This is the big week folks! This is what I've been training for and set as my main goal for the summer. It's half marathon week!! On Saturday, at 7 am, I am going to start and finish my 13.1 mile race.

Here's the problem; yesterday (Sunday,) I did my last long run of my training program. It was the final straw, no more bitching or complaining because all I have left is the race. The distance yesterday was 11 miles and if you must know, the last distance I ran was 9 miles. It's quite a jump for a tubby like me to increase 2 miles in one week. I've been working on one additional mile a week. Well, I made sure to eat a good meal on Saturday night because I knew the carbs would really benefit my endurance. I guess I chose the wrong meal. 4 miles in, this gal was racing to find the nearest bathroom. SICK! From that point on, I had some dry heaving and stomach cramps but I pushed right though that. Mile 5 came along and I was chatting with my trainer about how recently the bottoms of my feet have been hurting while I'm running. I told her I didn't think I was slamming my feet down because I'm not that excited about running. She mentioned Plantar Fascitis could be my problem and just make sure I really stretch my feet. Basically this is when the tendons on the bottom of your feet get inflamed and make your foot hurt like hell! I pushed through then mile 9 I was in lots of pain, but I wasn't going to stop there. I finished my miles and within seconds had my shoes off. All day yesterday, my left foot was killing me and to make matters worse, so was my left knee. By the end of the night, I would have to stop and rest while walking around the house. Thinking everything would be better this morning I got up and BAM, basically the pain almost dropped me to the floor. Crap! I took a shower and hobbled around to feed the animals. Have you ever tried to get horses out of your way while limping? It's tough! Basically, I'm really worried and bummed out because I can't walk and who knows if I can even run. I'll have to keep everyone posted because I'm running 4 miles tomorrow and I think that will be the make it or break it moment. Keep your fingers crossed because I have really worked hard for this and I'll be bummed out if I can't go!
Until next time, peace out cub scouts!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you are so sore! That would really stink if you couldn't do the marathon, but it's understandable that your body gets so worn out! I would feel that way after about 2 miles! lol
