Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It's been such a nice spring. We've almost hit 70 degrees twice and the winds haven't been too bad. When the weather is nice, I love running outside. A while back, one of my friends/gym buddies encouraged me to sign up for my first 10k. I've participated in multiple 5k's, a half marathon and a 62 mile relay race. I had yet to run a 10k. For those of you who do not want to bust out some math skills, it's 6.2 miles. I've been running intermittently with a few of my friends (D, E and H) in hopes of trying to like running again. I had a falling out during the winter because I hate treadmills. While I have been running, I've always wanted to try to keep a pace of 10 minute miles. To me that was a good pace. Upon running with H, who is significantly faster than me, I realized that I can go a bit faster than 10 minute miles. She kills me though, pushes me when running the rollers and keeps me going. I took a small sabbatical from running with her when I realized she was killing it but running 8ish minute miles. Kill me now. One of my biggest issues is running alone. I feel like I want to but never get my butt out there. I've ran a few times alone but it is still something that needs work. In the process of running, I've noticed my speed has slightly increased. I can only go off time then I have to map out my run so I can see how many miles it was. I'm trying to get 4 miles in on my short runs the 6+ on the long ones.
I feel like I'm blabbing...
Back to the race. Saturday was the day for the race and I didn't feel very prepared but I wasn't going to back down. I had H there to support me but I knew I wouldn't be running with her. She wanted to finish in 49 minutes and I just wanted to be under an hour. The first half went really good, but the second half, not so good. I needed to walk but I tried to minimize it the best that I could. A little disappointed with myself, I still kept at it. I tried pushing it because as I neared the finish line, my time was looking more and more like I was going to hit an hour. I pushed it crossing the finish line and BAM 58:48! Under an hour! After doing some mad math, that's roughly 9:30 miles. WOOP WOOP! H, ran it in 47 minutes! WOOHOO! For some of you, that's really slow but for me it's a personal record. It made me feel so good about myself. I'm signed up for another race in June. The Sawtooth Relay. I participated in it last year, and LOVED it. I hope to bust out a couple half marathons this summer as well. I just want to keep this up and even keep this time as I increase my distance.
Are any of you runners? Do you have any plans to race this summer? Any good tips on fighting your mind while running?
Happy Wednesday all!!


  1. WOOOHOOOO!!!! That's super fast. I run WAY WAY slower than that :) Way to go friend!

  2. Good job, girl!!! That's an excellent pace! You should be proud of yourself!

    I've got quite a few races planned for this year, but my big one will be a full marathon in December. Training for that is going to be brutal!

    As far as the running mind games, I don't have a perfect fix for you. It'll be different for everyone. For me, when my mind tells me I can't go any further or any faster but I KNOW my body isn't spent yet, I become my own Jillian Michaels. I respond well to that sort of pressure and it normally helps me. :o)

    1. That's a great way to think about it...pull a Jillian on myself. A full marathon...woop woop! You'll do great! Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. you are so skinny!!! I am jealous!!!

  4. Also, I love that white lace dress in your "about me" pic. Where is it from?
