I have a crazy mind sometimes. I find simple things make me laugh and it's not always funny to everyone around. I just have to tell you this though: Every day when I go to the gym around noon, I just love hearing the conversations between the women in the locker room. The first thing that always makes me giggle is the shows that they have on the TV. Usually when I get to the gym "The Chew" is on. Seriously, why play a show about food when people are working off the cupcakes they ate the night before. (Okay not everyone had a cupcake, but I know my eating habits are encouraged by the Food Network.) Now onto the juicy stuff...locker room conversations. Here are some brief conversations I have heard while changing:
Most conversations are between the older ladies who just finished their water aerobics class
*Conversations about how so-and-so has a daughter dating a black man. "Back in my day, if I dated someone
LIKE THAT I would be in trouble." (Get over it ladies, people can date/marry whoever they want. This is 2012 not 1920)
*A conversation between a Mexican and an Asian. Both do not speak good English. It was something about how doing something at home always makes the one sweat more than she does at the gym. Then she pulls out her camera and talks about her family going to kill a snake and when they took the picture there was a ghost that appeared in the picture as well. (Nothing much to say about this...it was so funny hearing them try to understand each other.)
*Lots of stories about gardening
*"How's your family?" "Great, how's yours?" "Great, how's your dogs?" "Oh, they are funny. I love that Casper likes to go outside and run around" (That's not the true conversation but it was mainly talking more about their dogs rather than their families.)
*Lots of conversations about the weather and the wind
*Lots of staring at the women who have younger bodies and fake breasts while "quietly" judging them. One lady I know has to change quickly because the other women are talking about her body. Super cool ladies...
I know that I judge and the best part is I judge those who are judging me. It's a vicious cycle but yet it's so entertaining. It's been quieter now that gardening is in full swing. I'm sure the women are out tending to their flowers. I'm missing the drama but yet my workout schedule is less interrupted by the woman who gets mad if I take the locker she has every time she comes to the gym. She smokes so she's stinky and always talks about knitting. Ugh!
Anything exciting ever happen to you at the gym?