Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just wondering?

For those of you who read this and are as lucky as I am to live in a place that 8 months out of the year it is snowing, have you ever noticed that when it snows the wind also blows? Guess what, I'm 89.73% sure that's what happens here in Ho-ville. It is puffing snow outside but the wind is blowing thus the dusting of snow loves to turn into drifts. LAME. Let me say this though, a while back I posted about Old Man Winter holding off a bit and I'm pleased to announce that he did. It's December 21st and the weather has been beautiful here. Sunny days, no wind, no snow. I guess winter has held off long enough. He's coming now...hopefully it'll be slow. I really would not like a snowpocalypse.

*4 sleeps until Jesus' birthday*

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