Do you get it? Farmers specialize in raising crops and ranchers specialize in raising animals. Now here's the confusing part...I call Shayne a farmer however at "the farm" there are also cows. What?! I know, I know. Shayne loves the farming part of his job. He enjoys cutting hay, baling it, stacking it, checking out some sweet grain and watching everything grow. He takes pride in the crops grown on the farm because it shows his dedication. When it comes to the cows, Shayne just deals with them. It comes with the job so as driven employee, he sucks it up and takes care of the cows. (I love the cows!!)
Let's talk about love now! Sick, I know.
Here are very important tips I've learned in the 3 years of dating this strapping fellow.
*A social life is not important.
*Washing his clothes separately is necessary.
*It doesn't phase you when there are hay and straw trails throughout the house.
*Due to the HUGE amount of calories burned in one day, expect to feed two or three grown men instead of one.
*Date night will include a trip to the farm.
*Don't expect to see them for more than a few hours a day during these times:
-Calving (December to March)
-Planting (Mayish)
-First cut of hay (July only last 2-3 days depending on weather)
-Second cut of hay (August)
-Harvest (August or September)
Included with harvest is bailing all the straw...another 2-3 days
-Third cut of hay (September)
-Prepping for cows to come back from the mountains aka hauling poo (I'll post about this when it happens) (Late September)
-Chopping corn into silage (Late September early October)
-Fall field work (October)
*Does it seem like he's always gone? Yeah, sometimes I feel that way.
*You get to help sharpen the blades in the mixer, grease tractors, hold bolts, etc.
*If there is only room for one in the tractor, he'll make room for two. Now that's love!
*Smooth hands? Forget it!
*He is tired all the time.
*Take advantage of the time off he has. Make the best of your time alone, together.
*When the answer is "we'll see" it usually means "probably not."
*If he says "I love you" he means it!
As an outsider not dating a farmer, you may think to yourself "how can you put up with that?" Let me be honest, it's not easy but it's worth all the work we've put into this relationship. This man works his tail off and he does it for a purpose not just a job. He tells me about wanting to provide for me and the future of our family. Cute I know! So believe me when I say, even if he works 80 hours a week and our only time together is at night, I know he loves me just the same. For me, it's totally worth dating this farmer! I tell you what, HE'S A KEEPER!
I love you Lane Frost!