Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You know you’ve become an adult when….

You love buying grown-up things!

Our washer went out a week ago and I wasn’t too worried because Shayner had an extra one at the shop he had been using to wash his coveralls. The dryer worked just fine but I really couldn’t go long without the washer. With my BF working on a farm and the weather warming up, let’s just say the frozen cow pies aren’t frozen anymore and they have all melted into one giant pool o’ crap. Adding to the poo-covered clothes is my workout gear. I usually try to hit the gym twice a day three times a week then once the other 4 days. If you recall from a previous post my body loves to sweat. Thus, I usually have to do laundry mid week to have clean gym clothes. Do you see the importance of a washer in our house? Oh, don’t forget Said Sarah lives with us too and she has clothes to wash. Back to the story, Shayner and I were doing dishes and I was talking about how I would go and help him get the washer from the shop. Then it was like a dream coming from his mouth…. “Why don’t we just go get a new set?” WHAT!?! I dream about the fancy washer/dryers that are red and trendy. I couldn’t believe that he wanted to fork out some money for appliances.

***Side note I had this small but powerful voice in my head that said “don’t get the new washer and dryer. That will take away from the money you’re saving to buy my engagement ring. Selfish I know. Hey, I’m just being honest here! ***

The next day I set out to do research on affordable front load washers. I got some great suggestions from my folks and my boss knowing that they have lots of laundry in their houses as well. After talking with Shayne over lunch and telling him about the options I found, we settled with these babies: ( I know they aren't red but the red ones were an addition $600. White is just fine with me!)

The brand is Frigidaire and so far I really like them. I'm still trying all the options on the washer and it's been nice to have such a quiet machine. The washer has a "steam" option that I used on my down comforter and it seem so much cleaner after it was done drying. It's been nice having the new set and they have been put to the test multiple times and passed. Charlie and Dee love them too because they can watch the clothes spin and see their reflections too. Charlie loves to jump on top of them and climb inside the dryer when I'm done because it's so warm. He's so weird but special!

Here's a funny story: two days after purchasing these beauties, I went to look on the Lowe's website to answer a question I had. Well...to my surprise they were on sale! Each of them had been marked down by $200 or more. I was so mad! We had just bought them and now they were on sale. I told Shayne and he didn't seem pleased about the ordeal as well. After work we went over and talked to Lowe's about the situation. First they denied they were on sale then I pulled it up on my handy iPhone and showed those suckers what I was talking about. After some unnecessary calling of the customer service line and dealing with Shayne starting to melt down because it was taking so long, we finally got them to return the set then re-sell them to us at the sale price. It saved us a little over $400!!! I am so glad that I went on and found that sale because 400 bucks back is $400 towards the ring! That's right, I haven't forgotten about it.

I do love me some new appliances though!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 30

A picture of you last year and how you have changed

My major goal for the past year or so was to get my weight under control and start working out to be more healthy. I'm not getting any younger and with the hopes of one day having children, I want to be healthy for them. I am still struggling with controlling my eating habits but food is my addiction and letting the deliciousness go has proven to be the most difficult part of this ordeal. Here is a picture of me in March of last year then again two weeks ago. (Please excuse the white complexion, I'm trying to stay out of the tanning bed)

This picture was taken in California when my boss and I attended a work conference. Don't mind the scandalous clothes in the back or the wacky peace sign and hat. We were trying to be cool!

The picture to the right is smaller but I promise it's just a different format, I didn't photoshop any of it. I'm proud of how far I've come but I still have a long ways to go.

I look forward to what this year will bring and I can only pray that I am able to keep up with my diet and exercise.

Thanks to all who have supported me through this journey!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 29

A picture that can always make you smile

When ever I'm driving to my parents house, this is what makes me smile. Montana has a very tight hold on my heart so I'm always excited to drive into the Big Sky State!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 28

A picture of something you're afraid of

Let me just tell you getting this picture made me shutter. I hate and am freaked out by hobo spiders. I didn't know what they were until I moved to Idaho. They are GIANT, fast suckers. I have another office I work in and I call it the "RR or Radiation Room" because that's where we keep all of our radioactive materials. I'm convinced the spiders are bigger out there because of the radiation. Starting in the summer, I keep that room sprayed every week with spider killer. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 27

A picture of you and a family member

I chose to post a picture of my entire family. Mind you, this was taken in 2005 because that about how often we all get together for a family photo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 26

Something that means a lot to you

I have posted so many pictures of the things that mean a lot to me. It just comes down to my friends and family. I'm not going to repost any pictures but my life has been shaped by all who I have come in contact with. I'm thankful for those who I treasure because they unknowingly give me strength every day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 25

A picture of something I crave

As I have been working on my health, I have been put to the test when it comes to limiting my sugar intake. HA! That's a joke! I cannot seem to let this go. I love love love sweets! Maybe one day I'll lose my sweet tooth.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 24

Something you wish you could change

See this thing? Did you know at Montana State University their diplomas are color and on an 8x10 piece of paper? They are beautiful! Whereas my 5x7, black and white, $45,000 diploma doesn't really stand out in my office. The reason why I chose my degree as something I would change is because WHO GET'S A DEGREE IN EQUINE STUDIES? Don't be fooled by the part that says Bachelor of Science in Business. That's the only thing they could think of because really, WHO GET'S A DEGREE IN HORSES? If I could go back and get slapped around a bit, I'd choose to get a real degree in business or even agriculture. You know, something people would be interested in.

I am very glad my employers like me and hired me because I have a degree.

Another crap part? I have all that student loan debt. YUCK!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 23

Favorite sport

I am not the avid sports fan that my little sister is. I don't really watch sports but I do have one team that I am fully dedicated to: The MSU Bobcats! I love the fall when the cool air starts to come in and you can just feel it...football season!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 22

Something you wish you were better at:

I started playing the cello in middle school and I'm very dissappointed in myself that I quit playing. Along with playing the piano and violin, the cello would have been the icing on the cake for my musical abilities. One day I hope to return to playing the cello in order to reach my goal of playing this song.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 20

Somewhere you'd love to travel

I'd love to visit Tuscany Italy! It's all because of the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. The food that was in the movie and the scenery...amazing!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 19

A picture that confuses you

Obviously this isn't a real picture but it was a cRaZy movie. I left the theater feeling like I had been drugged. It was so confusing and I'm still wondering what the heck was going on. Creepy...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 21

Something you wish you could forget

I don't know what to put down for a picture. I have been thinking and thinking but have yet to come up with an idea. I believe if we want to change our past, then the present wouldn't be the way it is. I like the present so everything that has happened, I don't really need to forget it. So...no picture today. Sorry to disappoint!

Day 18

A picture of my biggest insecurity

No, it's not my inability to "shoot to kill" it's my pooch. My stomach that just won't go away! More situps and less cupcakes!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 17

Something that has made a huge impact on you life recently

I'd have to say owning a gun. I have become more aware of the importance of gun safety along with personal safety. I received this gun for Christmas and officially obtained my concealed weapons permit mid February. Sense then, I have carried my gun every day. It's loaded and it's cocked, locked and ready to rock.

I will never wish to use this gun to protect myself but if a situation every arises, I feel safe having it close by.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 16

This picture is supposed to be of someone that inspires you.

I've had a rough spring due to the weather and having some gym issues. It's been hard trying to find motivation to go to the gym and stick with eating healthy. It's been a few days sense I've posted and that's because I'm trying to thing of someone that inspires me. I don't have just one person so there will be no pictures in this post.

Eloise: she is a woman I met in my boot camp. Throughout the months we've known each other, she has constantly encouraged me to keep pressing forward. She doesn't judge if I have a cupcake. We'll just make it up tomorrow. I'm encouraged by they way she keeps a smile on her face even if our workout is killing us.

Foxy Coxy: My BFF! How can I not be inspired by her? She has a great head on her shoulders and has always followed her dreams. Her ability to travel to far away places is amazing. I don't think I have the courage she does. She is fearless and compassionate at the same time.

Maw and Paw: I'm inspired by their love for each other. What a great example of marriage and the constant reminder that love conquers all hill that a relationship encounters.